Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Web 2.0 Course

Digital Literacy and Emerging Technologies


The goal of this course is to examine how emerging technology and an updated definition of Digital literacy are used in the workforce, education, society and their global impact. The ability to access information, share it, collaborate and network with others has and will continue to impact the way we learn, play and work. The students will become proficient with the following tools:

• Blogging
• Podcasting
• Photosharing
• Wikis
• Social Bookmarking
• Video Sharing
• Digital Story Telling
• Putting It All Together (RSS)

Students will not only use these tools, but analyze how they are currently impacting society, education and their potential global impact, in fact that will be the content they write, video, collaborate and bookmark about. The students will be using these tools to help them explore why these emerging technologies are dramatically changing the world. The readings will help to guide our discussion around these tools and their impact on society.


A rubric will be set up to evaluate the effective use of the nine tools, based on industry standards of what makes a good blog, podcast etc… as well as the students demonstrated proficiency with the technology. Participation will also be a big factor, since all of these tools are about collaboration. The readings will be discussed in a blog, a wiki and through a video project.

Reading and listening and participating in the following:
The TWIT podcast through I tunes
Will Richardson’s Blog -
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is an international bestselling book by Thomas L. Friedman that analyzes globalization, primarily in the early 21st century.


4th Grade Team said...

Great course John. Here's a great site about possible homework assignments. Before you blog, you have to be interesting...

Mary Worrell said...

As I said on the Ning, I'm jealous I didn't get to take a class like this in school.

4th Grade Team said...

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