I like the idea of Technology as a giant tool box, and all of the different applications as individual tools in the box. Any one who has worked around the house knows that the right tool makes all the difference. This analogy is also helpful when thinking about when to use technology in education – when it is the right tool for the job.
If creating a short video documentary about a topic engages students in the learning process, and helps them take on role of instructor for their classmates, then in some cases this might be a better tool than an essay.
Technology should not be used just for the sake of using technology; it is a tool to get a job done. Students learn how to use the tools as they go, how long did you practice with a hammer before you used it, and when you did use it did you just drive nails into some random board simply for the sake of driving a nail?
I feel like slow adapters are cautious because they feel like technology is sometimes seen as a toy rather than a tool. Can you still be a good teacher without the tools? Can you still teach math with just chalk?
I think it should also be seen as an "enhancing" tool. What can you do with technology that you can't do with chalk? How does it improve on existing tools?
You could build a house without power tools, and the house may get done, but why?
It does enhance, and in doing so provides more engagement for the learner.
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