Monday, December 8, 2008

Year Round School

I really would like to see more independent schools or even public schools adopt a year round schedule. It really makes sense for retention; just think teachers would not have to spend a month reviewing material from the previous year. We are using a system designed around the harvest schedule, maybe it is time to consider a change.

When I suggest this idea to teachers they act like I am crazy for even considering such a notion, never mind that studies show student’s test scores improve in a year round school setting.

Because that is the way we have always done it, should not be our driving factor in education decision making. What compelling reason is there to stop learning for three months?


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I think doing this would wreak havoc on enrollment! Families need to synchronize . . . .

AFS Tech Blog said...

Perhaps, but it makes sense for a learner.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to define learning. Who decides that students stop learning over the summer? Which tests are we discussing and what are they measureing? And what ever happened to free time for the students? There is a huge benefit to imaginative free unstructured play time. There are constant coversations about how schools don't address the needs of students. Why extend that? Also, with digitial learning we may be moving to more cyber schools, in which case learning would be everywhere. The present timeline may then go away. We have to be careful not to confuse the purpose of schools with the need for childcare. Finally, summer is the one time students can fully engage in what they enjoy, whether we think it is school worthy or not. I would not back this idea until I saw a better model.

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